Amendment, changes from 2002 -> 2012

The Democracy Amendment
September 17, 2002

  1. The sovereign authority and the legislative power of citizens the People of the United States vested in an independent "Legislature of the People" with the power to enact, repeal repeal, and amend public policy, policies, laws, charters, and constitutions by local, state and national initiatives initiative shall not be denied or abridged by any federal, state or local government of the United States or any state. States.
  2. The citizens of the United States hereby sanction the national election conducted by the nonprofit corporation Philadelphia II, permitting the enactment of this Article fundamental law: the ratification of the Citizens Amendment and the Democracy enactment of the accompanying Citizens Legislative Procedures Act.
  3. The United States Electoral A Citizens Trust (hereinafter "Electoral Trust") is hereby created to conduct initiative elections and to administer the legislative procedures established created by this Article and the Democracy Citizens Legislative Procedures Act. A Board of Trustees and a Director shall govern the Electoral Citizens Trust. The Board of Trustees shall be composed of one member elected by the citizens of each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Territories of the United States. An election shall be conducted every two years to elect members of the Board of Trustees. Immediately after the first election, the elected members shall be divided as equally as possible into two classes. The seats of the members of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration Section 4 of the second year; the seats of Citizens Legislative Procedures Act defines the members of the second class shall be vacated at the expiration of the fourth year. All members composition of the Board of Trustees shall serve for four years except the members of the first class. In order to facilitate the initial election of members to the Board of Trustees, an Interim Board is appointed by the Democracy Act. A Director responsible for day-to-day operations shall be appointed by the majority of and their election, their duties and responsibilities; and the members of duties, responsibilities and the Board selection process of Trustees, except that the first Director shall be appointed by the Board of Directors of Philadelphia II. Director.
  4. An initiative created under the authority of this Article Amendment that modifies a amends the Constitution of the United States or the constitution of any state or charter assumes the force charter of any local government becomes law when it is approved by more than half the registered voters of the relevant government jurisdiction in each of two successive elections conducted by the Electoral Trust. elections. If such initiative the amendment is approved in the first election, the a second ratification election shall occur no earlier than six months and no later than a year after the first election. An initiative created under the authority of this Article that enacts, modifies or repeals any a statute assumes becomes the force of law when approved by more than half the registered voters of the relevant government jurisdiction participating in an election conducted by the Electoral Trust. Only natural persons who are citizens of the United States may sponsor an initiative under participate in the authority of this Article. election.
  5. Only natural persons who are citizens of the United States may introduce legislation, contribute funds, services or property in support of or in opposition to a legislative initiative created under the authority of this Article. Contributions from corporations including, but not limited to, such incorporated entities as industry groups, labor unions, political parties, political action committees, organized religions and associations, are specifically prohibited. Such entities are also prohibited from coercing or inducing employees, clients, customers, members, or any other associated persons to support or oppose an initiative created initiatives under the authority of this Article. Amendment.
  6. The people Citizens shall have the power to enforce the provisions of this Article by Amendment through the accompanying Citizens Legislative Procedures Act and additional appropriate legislation. No court in the United States may enjoin an initiative election except on grounds of fraud.