
  • Everyone should be involved in process
  • We are now entering another season of elections for 2012. Nevertheless, the hostility of relations between the two political parties is even greater than it was in the last election.   This comes at the expense of the great citizens of this fine country, who want and need to be more involved with the decision making of our nation, above and beyond merely voting for those who will make all of the decisions, which is very little power indeed. Read the Rest...

  • From Dictatorship to Democracy 2.0
  • Today we examine Gene Sharp’s legendary handbook of non-violent resistance "From Dictatorship to Democracy" in the context of the new information revolution we have been discussing this week.   Prepared by: ISN staff  “But liberty, when men act in bodies, is power.” - Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)  Read the Rest...

  • Direct Democracy as a Safeguard to Limit Public Spending
  • Patricia Funk   Christina Gathmann 10 February 2012 Read the Rest...

  • The Deliberative Initiative: Returning Direct Democracy to the People
  • We have just completed 100 years of experimentation with the initiative in California. It was intended to empower the people to initiate the agenda for elections in which all the voters cast ballots. But the signature gathering process has itself become a barrier to the people’s agenda. Successful proposals are usually sponsored by special interests, often quite narrow ones, that seek their own advantage in winning a public vote or in placing a competing measure on the ballot to confuse the public. Read the Rest...

  • Ten Steps for Radical Revolution in USA
  • Ten Steps for Radical Revolution in USA by Bill Quigley / January 23rd, 2012 I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. — Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1967 1. Human rights must be taken absolutely seriously. Every single person is entitled to dignity and human rights. No application needed. No exclusions at all. This is our highest priority. Read the Rest...

  • Congress, you’re Fired
  • January 21, 2012 at 6:45 pm by Zack Kilmer Read the Rest...

  • Capitalism in crisis
  • Capitalism is not dead. But it is severely ill and its chronic contagion is spreading through the economic and social fibres of the world. However, it can be saved and resurrected, but only at the cost of a massive transfusion of blood, sweat, suffering and destruction. Such is the nature of a system based on competition and where material profit is the over-riding priority. Read the Rest...

  • Laying Waste to the Usual Objections About Democracy: Demagogues
  • Nine out of ten times the first objection that people make to direct democracy is the possibility of ending up with demagogues whipping their fellow citizens up to all kinds of ridiculous things. "Look at Hitler," they say, which is interesting, because while Hitler never came in remote contact with direct democracy, he'd be something of a poster boy for how electoral systems can work in favour of demagogues. Read the Rest...

  • Econ professor to run for president
  • NEW YORK (CNNMoney) - Maybe the best person to take on issue number one -- the economy -- should be an economist? At least, that's the thought of Laurence Kotlikoff, an economics professor at Boston University. He's planning on throwing his hat in the ring next week, announcing he's running for president as a third-party candidate. Read the Rest...

  • Here’s why we’re fighting
  • By Ethan Martin Read the Rest...