Posted September 2nd, 2008 by jpritikin
Michael Jingozian is the founder and CEO of AngelVision Technologies. In 2007, they were voted "One of the 15 Best Small Companies to work for in Oregon." Recently, AngelVision was ranked the 120th fastest growing company in the United States by Inc. Magazine. Jingozian is also the founder of RESET America, which is a group dedicated to breaking the 2 party monopoly and increasing the number of candidates who run on 3rd party tickets to secure 3rd party ballot access and participation in national debates. He is currently the Vice-Chairman of the Libertarian National Committee and is on working on a book titled, "Story Pollution," to increase awareness for why American voters continue to support politicians who do not represent their best interests and what can be done to change these views and elect people who are committed to creating a more sustainable world.
I endorse the National Initiative for Democracy for many reasons. First, I have had the great honor of meeting and campaigning with Senator Gravel while running for the Libertarian Party’s Presidential nomination and I had the opportunity to talk to him in person about the National Initiative and why it makes sense for America. My work in "Story Pollution" is about challenging ways of thinking that keep us in the past and to work, instead, for a future that sees a breakdown in the 2 party system and is more hospitable to 3rd party candidates who seek public office. The National Initiative makes it possible for people to realize their potential to affect change, which could inspire a new generation of people who hold opinions not supported by either of the 2 major parties to run for local, state and federal government.
Not only is the National Initiative in line with democratic ideals in that it recognizes the power of the people to make laws, it also allows people to recognize their own power to serve themselves rather than just sending elected officials to Washington. I grew up in Massachusetts and during that time, there was no such thing as a voter initiative. When I moved to Oregon, I experienced, first-hand, the difference between a state with no voter initiative policy and one that put power into the hands of the people to make decisions regarding their own future. Not only does this foster a sense of community because people are able to collaborate and to think about the best way to govern themselves, but it also allows for a more responsible government on the part of the state representatives who realize that they do not hold all of the cards. The people are inspired and engaged in the process.